When hiring a criminal defense attorney, what’s the most important trait you look for?

Most people would say, “Someone who can help me win.” While that’s certainly true, what qualities in a criminal defense attorney help you to achieve the outcome you desire?

It’s hard to argue against experience as a leading characteristic that you want in your counsel. Experience is key because you will face circumstances and situations that your attorney has seen and dealt with before. Knowing that in advance can better prepare you for the twists and turns of a case and possible trial, because your attorney has literally “been there and done that”.

Another trait is a proven track record of success. After all, no one wants to be represented by an attorney who hasn’t achieved some notable success with the clients he or she has represented. It’s important to hire an attorney who has not only dealt with a case like yours before, but has won – and has been able to serve a client well.

Knowledge of the law is a trait that many would say is important, but how do you prove that or qualify that before you hire an attorney? It can be difficult, which is why we rely so much on experience and proven track records. If an attorney has a blog, though, you can see first-hand their knowledge and legal acumen.

Above all, though, you need a criminal defense attorney who can connect with you and understand your plight. Empathy is underrated. The better your attorney understands what you’re going through, the better your representation will be.

Choose a criminal defense attorney who knows what to do, how to handle your case, and how to connect with you and your situation.